Featured Senior: Derek Ludwig

Derek Ludwig

What was your most memorable moment throughout your career at Willamette?

Our teammates threw a makeshift graduation for us at the park behind the capitol which was amazing. None of us seniors had any idea what was happening since a few juniors told us they just wanted to take nice photos of us. We got dressed up and walked over to the park and when we got their, our entire team was waiting for us. They had prepared flowers, toilet paper, tassles, swim caps as substitutes for caps, parkas as gowns, and even fake diplomas which were all personalized to us. I think that encompasses my entire Willamette experience with the swim team and represents what it means to be a team. It is a moment I will never forget and that I will carry with me for the rest of my life.

Describe your feelings when you found out the athletic events were cancelled for the remainder of the year.

I was sad and disappointed because I knew immediately how many senior athletes would not get their final seasons. I was lucky enough to have finished my season, but knowing that many of my friends on other teams did not get the opportunity was very heart wrenching. I was also disappointed that I wouldn't be able to attend any further athletic events.

How have you been handling life in quarantine? Are you home or on campus? What's it like learning online and not being around your teammates?

It has been interesting. I have gotten a lot of time to finally do the hobbies I have not had time for and I have made considerable progress in my creative pursuits. I am still in Salem, but live off campus. Online learning has been fine and enjoyable because it hasn't changed much for me. A lot of my classes are lecture/discussion so they remain the same, however my two labs have changed a lot which is a little disappointing. We have been able to keep in touch as a team through zoom which has been nice.

What has your experience as a Bearcat taught you?

It has taught me to enjoy everything that I choose to do and if I am not enjoying it, then I should step back from it. Swimming and music are two things I will love forever and hopefully physical therapy, the field I want to pursue as a career, will also join that list. I learned in my first three years that it is not necessary to over commit yourself. As Willamette students I think there is this feeling that you have to do as much as you can and even more than you can, almost like a competition. However, if you spread yourself too thin, then you end up investing yourself partially to everything instead of committing fully to a few things you love.

If you could leave one piece of advice for future Bearcats, what would it be?

Try different things and push yourself out of your comfort zone so that you find the things you like and the things you don't. Make sure you are passionate for the things you end up doing and you will have much more success. Also, it is perfectly fine to have no idea what you are doing or going to do.

What are your future plans following graduation?

I am taking at least a year off to work in a physical therapy clinic and hospital to gather more experience and hours for graduate school. Then I will apply to graduate school for physical therapy and get my degree!

From their teammates

What was your most memorable moment of Derek?

Benji Troutman: Derek was like my big brother this year in the pool and in Headband. He was such an influential part of my life.

Daniel Fang: Watching in awe as he swam a 200 butterfly not once, not twice, but three times. Crushing it in prelims, in a swim-off and in finals.

How has Derek impacted you in your sport or in life?

Benji Troutman: Derek always pushes me to be better and to never stop trying.

Daniel Fang: In both athletics and in life, Derek has taught me to have a love for what I do and has shown me what a great work ethic looks like. He has been an inspiring presence both in and out of the pool. He is also really good at music.

What makes Derek special?

Benji Troutman: He is a good and caring person, and puts other people before himself.

Daniel Fang: He is someone that you feel comfortable going to and talking to about really anything. He can very easily switch from lighthearted to serious, so he's with you when you're happy and he's there for you when you're not.

Is there anything Derek brought to the program that will have a lasting impact?

Benji Troutman: His leadership

Daniel Fang: I believe that Derek has set a precedent for what it means to give it your all in preparing for conference. He is one of the few examples of constant improvement as a result of constant hard work. I hope that sentiment is perpetuated on for years to come.