Licensed to Linfield College      HY-TEK's MEET MANAGER 7.0 10/28/2023 12:41 PM
                       2023 NWC Sprint Meet - 10/28/2023                       
Event 1  Men 100 Yard IM
    Name                     Age School                           Finals Points 
  1 Donaldson, Edan J         23 Linfield                         54.41   20  
  2 Mielke, Lance P           21 UPS                              55.06   17  
  3 Gibson, Levi              23 George Fox                       55.84   16  
  4 Fery, Connor J            19 Linfield                         55.98   15  
  5 Velie, Rocco R            20 Linfield                         56.02   14  
  6 Cabana, Will E            18 UPS                              56.50   13  
  7 Wencel, Campbell N        19 UPS                              57.30   12  
  8 Lindberg, Cole E          20 WU                               57.52   11  
  9 Grinstead, Elijah S       21 UPS                              57.58   10  
 10 Cunningham, Joshua T      20 UPS                              57.95    9  
 11 Schwartz, Ethan           21 UPS                              58.13    8  
 12 Washburn, Carson D        19 Linfield                         58.19    7  
 13 Kembel, Jonah S           19 UPS                              58.27    6  
 14 Francis, Jaden            21 UPS                              58.81    5  
 15 Aaselund, Cam C           18 UPS                              58.94    4  
 16 Lee, Andrew C             19 Linfield                         59.07    3  
 17 Oprea, Kaden              18 George Fox                       59.28    2  
 18 Tontchev, Ivan D          20 Linfield                         59.67    1  
 19 Alexander, Cameron        19 George Fox                       59.97  
 20 Werth, Alexander J        18 UPS                            1:00.12  
 21 Greene, Wyatt             18 George Fox                     1:00.18  
 22 Moore, Nicholas O         19 WU                             1:00.25  
 23 Copeland, Logan W         21 WU                             1:00.46  
 24 Moore, Sasha A            21 Linfield                       1:00.53  
 25 Smith, Gavin F            20 Linfield                       1:00.60  
 26 Burden, Emory             18 UPS                            1:00.65  
 27 Sehorn, Daren             19 George Fox                     1:00.79  
 28 Olson, Daniel M           21 Linfield                       1:01.03  
 29 Davies, Ethan F           19 WU                             1:01.27  
 30 Tonseth, Owen             19 George Fox                     1:01.48  
 31 Nordeng, Strom            19 George Fox                     1:01.78  
 32 LaDuca, Will I            19 WU                             1:01.81  
 33 Wheeler, Cameron N        21 Linfield                       1:01.90  
 34 Gallo, Jack D             20 Linfield                       1:02.13  
 35 Buker, Levi T             20 Linfield                       1:02.16  
 36 Maberry, August           18 George Fox                     1:02.73  
 37 Herde, Nathan E           22 Linfield                       1:02.77  
 38 Tsuji, Taro T             17 UPS                            1:02.80  
 39 Gray, Jared               18 George Fox                     1:02.90  
 40 Moreland, Cody            18 George Fox                     1:02.92  
 41 Jelusic, Nik              18 Linfield                       1:03.39  
 42 Wheat, Cadogan N          19 Linfield                       1:03.97  
 42 McLellan, Chris           19 George Fox                     1:03.97  
 44 Masuko, Ka'olapa H        19 WU                             1:04.04  
 45 Rohrbach, Austin          19 George Fox                     1:04.31  
 46 Runion, Cole N            21 Linfield                       1:04.64  
 47 Kiel, Ash D               18 WU                             1:05.24  
 48 Bottai, Warrick           18 PACI                           1:05.72  
 49 Delgadillo, Capone C      18 PACI                           1:05.87  
 50 Zlotowski, Abraham L      22 Linfield                       1:06.15  
 51 Ng, Elijah K              19 Linfield                       1:07.77  
 52 Lilio, Kobe               21 George Fox                     1:08.00  
 53 Nilsen, Blake             19 George Fox                     1:08.06  
 54 Gates, Conner             22 PACI                           1:08.89  
 55 Jansen, Tobin             18 George Fox                     1:09.23  
 56 Meier, Augie J            18 WU                             1:09.74  
 57 Pearson, Dorsey S         20 WU                             1:13.02  
 58 Luna, Mason               19 George Fox                     1:13.50  
 -- Olmedo, Kevin C           20 WU                                  NS  
Event 2  Women 100 Yard IM
    Name                     Age School                           Finals Points 
  1 Averill, Whitney R        21 Linfield                       1:02.86   20  
  2 Parker, Riley             19 George Fox                     1:02.87   17  
  3 Brennan, Madeleine L      19 UPS                            1:03.93   16  
  4 Mullins, Kalea M          21 Linfield                       1:04.03   15  
  5 Glass, Elinor C           22 UPS                            1:04.04   14  
  6 Arpag, Sarah E            19 Linfield                       1:04.44   13  
  7 Madsen, Amy K             19 UPS                            1:04.59   12  
  8 Campbell, Avery R         20 Linfield                       1:04.89   11  
  9 Bobo-Shisler, Lauren O    20 Linfield                       1:04.95   10  
 10 Kisiday, Alayna R         20 WU                             1:04.98    9  
 11 Moehnke, Alex L           20 PACI                           1:05.50    8  
 12 Muralt, Britney           21 George Fox                     1:06.37    7  
 13 Franco, Lara              20 UPS                            1:06.45    5.5
 13 Sullivan, Annie           22 UPS                            1:06.45    5.5
 15 Ciatti, Tessa A           18 WU                             1:06.47    4  
 16 Good, Tatum A             20 WU                             1:06.93    3  
 17 Keppo, Kirsti I           19 Linfield                       1:07.01    2  
 18 Howell, Leah J            18 WU                             1:07.12    1  
 19 Guillen, Sara             20 UPS                            1:07.87  
 20 Opdahl, Ellie             21 George Fox                     1:08.08  
 21 Urback, Jesse             18 George Fox                     1:08.21  
 22 Haydu, Caley S            18 Linfield                       1:08.40  
 23 Zipay, Holly B            19 UPS                            1:08.48  
 24 Hornbeck, Anna E          20 WU                             1:08.54  
 25 Hoover, Ellie             18 George Fox                     1:08.76  
 26 Capron-Graves, Jaz J      19 PACI                           1:08.84  
 27 Brennan, Kenzie D         19 PACI                           1:08.88  
 28 Karsseboom, Abbi Q        21 Linfield                       1:09.48  
 29 Jacobs, Anne-marie Y      21 PACI                           1:09.50  
 30 Hall, Jacqueline T        20 WU                             1:09.53  
 31 Patterson, Taila L        19 Linfield                       1:09.75  
 32 Hendren, Cassidy          21 George Fox                     1:09.85  
 33 Dicey, Kaylee             19 George Fox                     1:09.97  
 34 Blackburn, Chyanna        19 George Fox                     1:10.29  
 35 Benevides, Claire         18 George Fox                     1:10.31  
 36 Simon, Allie M            21 PACI                           1:10.40  
 37 Schmitt, Lydia O          18 WU                             1:10.43  
 38 Smith, Mia                19 George Fox                     1:10.56  
 39 Jenner, Sarah E           20 WU                             1:10.68  
 39 Schauble, Emma R          18 WU                             1:10.68  
 41 Campbell, Emma C          21 Linfield                       1:11.10  
 42 Mercado, Amelia S         18 UPS                            1:11.45  
 43 McLennan, Kass J          18 UPS                            1:11.56  
 44 Noffsinger, Emma R        19 WU                             1:11.88  
 45 Elsom, Kaylee A           21 Linfield                       1:11.89  
 46 Clement, Molly            18 UPS                            1:11.98  
 47 Hamilton, Hannah M        22 UPS                            1:12.29  
 48 Horvath, Ayli P           18 UPS                            1:12.53  
 49 Kaldy, Ana J              18 WU                             1:12.57  
 50 Fronek, Kaya P            19 UPS                            1:12.63  
 51 Castellanos-Welsh, Steph  21 Linfield                       1:13.56  
 52 Russell, Maddie M         21 PACI                           1:13.71  
 53 Harmon, Claire            19 George Fox                     1:13.82  
 54 Brown, Journey A          18 WU                             1:13.88  
 55 Gephart, Avery            21 UPS                            1:14.33  
 56 Reich, Ava H              19 WU                             1:14.34  
 57 Wilson, Mikayla M         18 Linfield                       1:14.75  
 58 Meyers, Julia G           20 UPS                            1:15.04  
 59 Seres, Emma               19 PACI                           1:16.21  
 60 Poetzl, Kassidy           18 George Fox                     1:16.35  
 61 Bartoo, Hannah            19 George Fox                     1:17.05  
 62 Kubojiri, Kacelyn         19 PACI                           1:17.10  
 63 Hamlin, Jo A              21 PACI                           1:17.15  
 64 Roche, Abby               18 George Fox                     1:17.54  
 65 Quijano, Ella F           18 Linfield                       1:19.53  
 66 Mesita, Nicole M          18 WU                             1:20.24  
 67 Zscherpel, Betina K       18 UPS                            1:20.64  
 68 Jacobs, Ariana            18 George Fox                     1:21.03  
 69 Rose, Meara E             18 WU                             1:21.64  
 70 Robbins, Alicia E         21 WU                             1:22.90  
 71 Carnell, Ella E           19 WU                             1:24.86  
 72 Louie, Nicole A           18 PACI                           1:26.11  
 73 Turner, Lyddie J          21 WU                             1:33.44  
 74 Nardella, Abbey           20 George Fox                     1:38.48  
Event 3  Men 50 Yard Butterfly
    Name                     Age School                           Finals Points 
  1 Donaldson, Edan J         23 Linfield                         23.25   20  
  2 Lindberg, Cole E          20 WU                               23.87   17  
  3 Fery, Connor J            19 Linfield                         24.07   16  
  4 Velie, Rocco R            20 Linfield                         24.48   15  
  5 Aaselund, Cam C           18 UPS                              24.55   14  
  6 Cabana, Will E            18 UPS                              24.66   13  
  7 Gibson, Levi              23 George Fox                       25.32   12  
  8 Mielke, Lance P           21 UPS                              25.36   11  
  9 Grinstead, Elijah S       21 UPS                              25.39    9.5
  9 Wencel, Campbell N        19 UPS                              25.39    9.5
 11 Olson, Daniel M           21 Linfield                         25.41    8  
 12 Oprea, Kaden              18 George Fox                       25.52    7  
 13 Alexander, Cameron        19 George Fox                       25.53    6  
 14 Schwartz, Ethan           21 UPS                              25.62    5  
 15 Lee, Andrew C             19 Linfield                         25.71    4  
 16 Francis, Jaden            21 UPS                              25.78    3  
 17 Kembel, Jonah S           19 UPS                              25.90    2  
 18 Cunningham, Joshua T      20 UPS                              25.99    1  
 19 Sehorn, Daren             19 George Fox                       26.02  
 20 Burden, Emory             18 UPS                              26.05  
 21 Maberry, August           18 George Fox                       26.23  
 22 Gallo, Jack D             20 Linfield                         26.35  
 23 Moore, Nicholas O         19 WU                               26.43  
 24 Delgadillo, Capone C      18 PACI                             26.57  
 25 Wheat, Cadogan N          19 Linfield                         26.58  
 26 Greene, Wyatt             18 George Fox                       26.67  
 27 Tsuji, Taro T             17 UPS                              26.76  
 28 Buker, Levi T             20 Linfield                         26.83  
 29 Moore, Sasha A            21 Linfield                         26.87  
 30 Runion, Cole N            21 Linfield                         27.07  
 30 Smith, Gavin F            20 Linfield                         27.07  
 30 Nordeng, Strom            19 George Fox                       27.07  
 33 Copeland, Logan W         21 WU                               27.11  
 34 LaDuca, Will I            19 WU                               27.13  
 35 Herde, Nathan E           22 Linfield                         27.19  
 36 Davies, Ethan F           19 WU                               27.32  
 37 Tontchev, Ivan D          20 Linfield                         27.37  
 38 Moreland, Cody            18 George Fox                       27.41  
 39 Werth, Alexander J        18 UPS                              27.57  
 40 Gray, Jared               18 George Fox                       27.73  
 41 Zlotowski, Abraham L      22 Linfield                         27.79  
 42 Jansen, Tobin             18 George Fox                       27.91  
 43 Tonseth, Owen             19 George Fox                       27.98  
 44 McLellan, Chris           19 George Fox                       28.04  
 45 Gates, Conner             22 PACI                             28.15  
 46 Wheeler, Cameron N        21 Linfield                         28.19  
 47 Masuko, Ka'olapa H        19 WU                               28.57  
 48 Jelusic, Nik              18 Linfield                         28.71  
 49 Nilsen, Blake             19 George Fox                       28.87  
 50 Ng, Elijah K              19 Linfield                         28.99  
 51 Bottai, Warrick           18 PACI                             29.10  
 52 Kiel, Ash D               18 WU                               29.49  
 53 Rohrbach, Austin          19 George Fox                       29.89  
 54 Washburn, Carson D        19 Linfield                         30.06  
 55 Lilio, Kobe               21 George Fox                       30.30  
 56 Meier, Augie J            18 WU                               31.53  
 57 Luna, Mason               19 George Fox                       33.10  
 58 Pearson, Dorsey S         20 WU                               33.73  
 -- Olmedo, Kevin C           20 WU                                  NS  
Event 4  Women 50 Yard Butterfly
    Name                     Age School                           Finals Points 
  1 Brennan, Madeleine L      19 UPS                              27.45   20  
  2 Parker, Riley             19 George Fox                       27.95   17  
  3 Ciatti, Tessa A           18 WU                               28.06   16  
  4 Madsen, Amy K             19 UPS                              28.43   15  
  5 Campbell, Avery R         20 Linfield                         28.50   14  
  6 Arpag, Sarah E            19 Linfield                         28.53   13  
  7 Capron-Graves, Jaz J      19 PACI                             28.66   12  
  8 Moehnke, Alex L           20 PACI                             28.89   11  
  9 Kisiday, Alayna R         20 WU                               29.05   10  
 10 Averill, Whitney R        21 Linfield                         29.12    9  
 11 Muralt, Britney           21 George Fox                       29.15    8  
 12 Mullins, Kalea M          21 Linfield                         29.31    7  
 13 Bobo-Shisler, Lauren O    20 Linfield                         29.49    6  
 14 Schmitt, Lydia O          18 WU                               29.62    5  
 15 Haydu, Caley S            18 Linfield                         29.78    4  
 16 Guillen, Sara             20 UPS                              29.79    3  
 17 Keppo, Kirsti I           19 Linfield                         29.85    2  
 18 Good, Tatum A             20 WU                               29.89    1  
 19 Sullivan, Annie           22 UPS                              29.90  
 20 Franco, Lara              20 UPS                              29.95  
 21 Hamilton, Hannah M        22 UPS                              29.96  
 22 Patterson, Taila L        19 Linfield                         30.06  
 23 Simon, Allie M            21 PACI                             30.11  
 24 Zipay, Holly B            19 UPS                              30.20  
 25 Howell, Leah J            18 WU                               30.36  
 26 Hoover, Ellie             18 George Fox                       30.39  
 27 Elsom, Kaylee A           21 Linfield                         30.50  
 28 Fronek, Kaya P            19 UPS                              30.61  
 29 Jacobs, Anne-marie Y      21 PACI                             30.64  
 30 Hall, Jacqueline T        20 WU                               30.75  
 31 Glass, Elinor C           22 UPS                              30.83  
 31 Russell, Maddie M         21 PACI                             30.83  
 33 Hornbeck, Anna E          20 WU                               30.85  
 34 Brennan, Kenzie D         19 PACI                             31.03  
 35 Schauble, Emma R          18 WU                               31.08  
 36 Reich, Ava H              19 WU                               31.15  
 37 Clement, Molly            18 UPS                              31.19  
 38 Campbell, Emma C          21 Linfield                         31.25  
 39 Karsseboom, Abbi Q        21 Linfield                         31.44  
 40 Urback, Jesse             18 George Fox                       31.58  
 41 Benevides, Claire         18 George Fox                       31.74  
 42 Dicey, Kaylee             19 George Fox                       31.75  
 43 Noffsinger, Emma R        19 WU                               31.87  
 44 Hendren, Cassidy          21 George Fox                       31.95  
 45 Blackburn, Chyanna        19 George Fox                       32.08  
 46 Hamlin, Jo A              21 PACI                             32.29  
 47 Horvath, Ayli P           18 UPS                              32.33  
 48 Jenner, Sarah E           20 WU                               32.47  
 49 Kaldy, Ana J              18 WU                               32.48  
 50 McLennan, Kass J          18 UPS                              32.52  
 51 Smith, Mia                19 George Fox                       32.60  
 52 Opdahl, Ellie             21 George Fox                       32.83  
 53 Gephart, Avery            21 UPS                              32.88  
 54 Meyers, Julia G           20 UPS                              33.03  
 55 Mercado, Amelia S         18 UPS                              33.43  
 56 Brown, Journey A          18 WU                               33.49  
 57 Harmon, Claire            19 George Fox                       34.63  
 58 Jacobs, Ariana            18 George Fox                       34.64  
 59 Kubojiri, Kacelyn         19 PACI                             34.73  
 60 Wilson, Mikayla M         18 Linfield                         34.79  
 61 Castellanos-Welsh, Steph  21 Linfield                         35.34  
 62 Quijano, Ella F           18 Linfield                         35.35  
 63 Roche, Abby               18 George Fox                       35.43  
 64 Seres, Emma               19 PACI                             35.92  
 65 Poetzl, Kassidy           18 George Fox                       36.09  
 66 Rose, Meara E             18 WU                               36.42  
 67 Mesita, Nicole M          18 WU                               37.53  
 68 Bartoo, Hannah            19 George Fox                       38.21  
 69 Louie, Nicole A           18 PACI                             39.09  
 70 Carnell, Ella E           19 WU                               39.92  
 71 Robbins, Alicia E         21 WU                               40.10  
 72 Nardella, Abbey           20 George Fox                       40.89  
 73 Turner, Lyddie J          21 WU                               43.26  
 -- Zscherpel, Betina K       18 UPS                                 NS  
Event 5  Men 50 Yard Backstroke
    Name                     Age School                           Finals Points 
  1 Donaldson, Edan J         23 Linfield                         24.60   20  
  2 Cabana, Will E            18 UPS                              24.88   17  
  3 Fery, Connor J            19 Linfield                         25.52   16  
  4 Gibson, Levi              23 George Fox                       25.67   15  
  5 Washburn, Carson D        19 Linfield                         26.05   14  
  6 Lindberg, Cole E          20 WU                               26.15   13  
  7 Schwartz, Ethan           21 UPS                              26.20   12  
  8 Mielke, Lance P           21 UPS                              26.85   11  
  9 Cunningham, Joshua T      20 UPS                              26.89   10  
 10 Lee, Andrew C             19 Linfield                         27.18    9  
 11 Alexander, Cameron        19 George Fox                       27.35    8  
 12 Velie, Rocco R            20 Linfield                         27.41    7  
 13 Wencel, Campbell N        19 UPS                              27.64    6  
 14 Tonseth, Owen             19 George Fox                       27.96    5  
 15 Maberry, August           18 George Fox                       28.14    4  
 16 Smith, Gavin F            20 Linfield                         28.27    3  
 17 LaDuca, Will I            19 WU                               28.44    2  
 18 Olson, Daniel M           21 Linfield                         28.55    1  
 19 Runion, Cole N            21 Linfield                         28.57  
 20 Francis, Jaden            21 UPS                              28.69  
 21 Tsuji, Taro T             17 UPS                              28.74  
 22 McLellan, Chris           19 George Fox                       28.75  
 23 Moore, Sasha A            21 Linfield                         28.79  
 24 Moore, Nicholas O         19 WU                               28.95  
 25 Greene, Wyatt             18 George Fox                       29.01  
 26 Delgadillo, Capone C      18 PACI                             29.03  
 27 Sehorn, Daren             19 George Fox                       29.04  
 28 Oprea, Kaden              18 George Fox                       29.10  
 29 Aaselund, Cam C           18 UPS                              29.13  
 30 Copeland, Logan W         21 WU                               29.18  
 31 Buker, Levi T             20 Linfield                         29.24  
 32 Kembel, Jonah S           19 UPS                              29.43  
 33 Ng, Elijah K              19 Linfield                         29.60  
 34 Wheeler, Cameron N        21 Linfield                         29.77  
 35 Davies, Ethan F           19 WU                               29.78  
 36 Nordeng, Strom            19 George Fox                       29.82  
 37 Kiel, Ash D               18 WU                               29.89  
 38 Tontchev, Ivan D          20 Linfield                         29.95  
 39 Werth, Alexander J        18 UPS                              30.12  
 40 Burden, Emory             18 UPS                              30.27  
 41 Grinstead, Elijah S       21 UPS                              30.79  
 42 Gates, Conner             22 PACI                             30.84  
 43 Gray, Jared               18 George Fox                       30.88  
 44 Bottai, Warrick           18 PACI                             31.08  
 45 Jelusic, Nik              18 Linfield                         31.47  
 46 Herde, Nathan E           22 Linfield                         31.60  
 47 Nilsen, Blake             19 George Fox                       31.76  
 48 Moreland, Cody            18 George Fox                       31.81  
 49 Lilio, Kobe               21 George Fox                       31.87  
 50 Gallo, Jack D             20 Linfield                         32.00  
 51 Zlotowski, Abraham L      22 Linfield                         32.40  
 52 Meier, Augie J            18 WU                               32.56  
 53 Luna, Mason               19 George Fox                       32.77  
 54 Rohrbach, Austin          19 George Fox                       33.26  
 55 Wheat, Cadogan N          19 Linfield                         33.27  
 56 Masuko, Ka'olapa H        19 WU                               33.31  
 57 Jansen, Tobin             18 George Fox                       33.82  
 58 Pearson, Dorsey S         20 WU                               34.83  
 -- Olmedo, Kevin C           20 WU                                  NS  
Event 6  Women 50 Yard Backstroke
    Name                     Age School                           Finals Points 
  1 Campbell, Avery R         20 Linfield                         29.33   20  
  2 Madsen, Amy K             19 UPS                              29.66   17  
  3 Arpag, Sarah E            19 Linfield                         29.81   16  
  4 Moehnke, Alex L           20 PACI                             29.94   15  
  5 Averill, Whitney R        21 Linfield                         29.96   14  
  6 Good, Tatum A             20 WU                               30.06   13  
  7 Jacobs, Anne-marie Y      21 PACI                             30.11   12  
  8 Howell, Leah J            18 WU                               30.12   11  
  9 Bobo-Shisler, Lauren O    20 Linfield                         30.33   10  
 10 Parker, Riley             19 George Fox                       30.64    9  
 11 Mullins, Kalea M          21 Linfield                         30.94    8  
 12 Glass, Elinor C           22 UPS                              31.01    7  
 13 Brennan, Madeleine L      19 UPS                              31.02    6  
 14 Franco, Lara              20 UPS                              31.34    5  
 15 Ciatti, Tessa A           18 WU                               31.44    4  
 16 Sullivan, Annie           22 UPS                              31.46    3  
 17 Kisiday, Alayna R         20 WU                               31.48    2  
 18 Opdahl, Ellie             21 George Fox                       31.65    1  
 19 Patterson, Taila L        19 Linfield                         31.97  
 20 McLennan, Kass J          18 UPS                              32.05  
 21 Hoover, Ellie             18 George Fox                       32.14  
 22 Noffsinger, Emma R        19 WU                               32.25  
 23 Schauble, Emma R          18 WU                               32.32  
 24 Campbell, Emma C          21 Linfield                         32.41  
 24 Capron-Graves, Jaz J      19 PACI                             32.41  
 26 Urback, Jesse             18 George Fox                       32.48  
 27 Hall, Jacqueline T        20 WU                               32.52  
 28 Horvath, Ayli P           18 UPS                              32.59  
 29 Brennan, Kenzie D         19 PACI                             32.60  
 30 Clement, Molly            18 UPS                              32.64  
 31 Haydu, Caley S            18 Linfield                         32.66  
 32 Smith, Mia                19 George Fox                       32.84  
 33 Keppo, Kirsti I           19 Linfield                         32.89  
 34 Guillen, Sara             20 UPS                              32.93  
 35 Zipay, Holly B            19 UPS                              33.01  
 36 Schmitt, Lydia O          18 WU                               33.05  
 37 Kaldy, Ana J              18 WU                               33.13  
 38 Knox, Laurel              19 George Fox                       33.42  
 39 Brown, Journey A          18 WU                               33.53  
 40 Carlson, Rachel B         22 WU                               33.59  
 41 Gephart, Avery            21 UPS                              33.61  
 42 Leighton, Dahlia          19 PACI                             33.67  
 43 Simon, Allie M            21 PACI                             33.86  
 44 Elsom, Kaylee A           21 Linfield                         33.90  
 45 Reich, Ava H              19 WU                               33.97  
 46 Fronek, Kaya P            19 UPS                              34.17  
 47 Hamilton, Hannah M        22 UPS                              34.21  
 48 Bartoo, Hannah            19 George Fox                       34.47  
 49 Russell, Maddie M         21 PACI                             34.51  
 50 Kubojiri, Kacelyn         19 PACI                             34.54  
 51 Karsseboom, Abbi Q        21 Linfield                         34.58  
 52 Wilson, Mikayla M         18 Linfield                         34.67  
 53 Harmon, Claire            19 George Fox                       34.80  
 54 Blackburn, Chyanna        19 George Fox                       34.92  
 55 Hendren, Cassidy          21 George Fox                       34.94  
 56 Poetzl, Kassidy           18 George Fox                       35.26  
 57 Hornbeck, Anna E          20 WU                               35.35  
 58 Roche, Abby               18 George Fox                       35.46  
 59 Dicey, Kaylee             19 George Fox                       35.62  
 60 Jenner, Sarah E           20 WU                               35.74  
 61 Castellanos-Welsh, Steph  21 Linfield                         35.91  
 62 Mercado, Amelia S         18 UPS                              35.92  
 63 Quijano, Ella F           18 Linfield                         36.08  
 64 Seres, Emma               19 PACI                             36.30  
 65 Jacobs, Ariana            18 George Fox                       36.62  
 66 Benevides, Claire         18 George Fox                       36.64  
 67 Meyers, Julia G           20 UPS                              37.01  
 68 Carnell, Ella E           19 WU                               38.03  
 69 Mesita, Nicole M          18 WU                               38.18  
 70 Robbins, Alicia E         21 WU                               38.29  
 71 Rose, Meara E             18 WU                               41.83  
 72 Louie, Nicole A           18 PACI                             42.04  
 73 Nardella, Abbey           20 George Fox                       52.90  
 -- Zscherpel, Betina K       18 UPS                                 NS  
 -- Turner, Lyddie J          21 WU                                  NS  
Event 7  Men 50 Yard Breaststroke
    Name                     Age School                           Finals Points 
  1 Gibson, Levi              23 George Fox                       27.34   20  
  2 Tontchev, Ivan D          20 Linfield                         27.67   17  
  3 Mielke, Lance P           21 UPS                              27.76   16  
  4 Grinstead, Elijah S       21 UPS                              27.81   15  
  5 Donaldson, Edan J         23 Linfield                         28.99   14  
  6 Nordeng, Strom            19 George Fox                       29.60   13  
  7 Wencel, Campbell N        19 UPS                              29.65   12  
  8 Copeland, Logan W         21 WU                               29.95   11  
  9 Washburn, Carson D        19 Linfield                         30.03   10  
 10 Velie, Rocco R            20 Linfield                         30.04    9  
 11 Francis, Jaden            21 UPS                              30.08    8  
 12 Werth, Alexander J        18 UPS                              30.13    7  
 13 Cabana, Will E            18 UPS                              30.21    6  
 14 Lindberg, Cole E          20 WU                               30.25    5  
 15 Moore, Sasha A            21 Linfield                         30.36    4  
 16 Masuko, Ka'olapa H        19 WU                               30.60    3  
 17 Alexander, Cameron        19 George Fox                       30.70    2  
 18 Gray, Jared               18 George Fox                       30.73    1  
 19 Cunningham, Joshua T      20 UPS                              30.74  
 20 Oprea, Kaden              18 George Fox                       30.81  
 21 Fery, Connor J            19 Linfield                         30.91  
 22 LaDuca, Will I            19 WU                               30.95  
 23 Moreland, Cody            18 George Fox                       31.12  
 24 Kembel, Jonah S           19 UPS                              31.33  
 25 Tonseth, Owen             19 George Fox                       31.40  
 26 Greene, Wyatt             18 George Fox                       31.50  
 27 Burden, Emory             18 UPS                              31.52  
 28 Tsuji, Taro T             17 UPS                              31.53  
 29 Rohrbach, Austin          19 George Fox                       31.66  
 30 Jelusic, Nik              18 Linfield                         31.70  
 31 Sehorn, Daren             19 George Fox                       31.96  
 32 Aaselund, Cam C           18 UPS                              32.13  
 33 Lee, Andrew C             19 Linfield                         32.19  
 34 McLellan, Chris           19 George Fox                       32.43  
 35 Herde, Nathan E           22 Linfield                         32.53  
 36 Smith, Gavin F            20 Linfield                         32.56  
 37 Schwartz, Ethan           21 UPS                              32.77  
 38 Olson, Daniel M           21 Linfield                         32.79  
 39 Buker, Levi T             20 Linfield                         33.56  
 40 Davies, Ethan F           19 WU                               33.59  
 41 Maberry, August           18 George Fox                       33.69  
 42 Bottai, Warrick           18 PACI                             33.75  
 43 Runion, Cole N            21 Linfield                         33.80  
 44 Moore, Nicholas O         19 WU                               33.95  
 45 Zlotowski, Abraham L      22 Linfield                         34.04  
 46 Pearson, Dorsey S         20 WU                               34.58  
 47 Wheeler, Cameron N        21 Linfield                         34.62  
 48 Delgadillo, Capone C      18 PACI                             34.79  
 49 Gallo, Jack D             20 Linfield                         35.09  
 50 Wheat, Cadogan N          19 Linfield                         35.61  
 51 Kiel, Ash D               18 WU                               35.85  
 52 Lilio, Kobe               21 George Fox                       36.07  
 53 Gates, Conner             22 PACI                             36.21  
 54 Meier, Augie J            18 WU                               38.66  
 55 Jansen, Tobin             18 George Fox                       40.11  
 56 Luna, Mason               19 George Fox                       40.24  
 57 Ng, Elijah K              19 Linfield                         42.04  
 -- Nilsen, Blake             19 George Fox                          NS  
 -- Olmedo, Kevin C           20 WU                                  NS  
Event 8  Women 50 Yard Breaststroke
    Name                     Age School                           Finals Points 
  1 Glass, Elinor C           22 UPS                              31.64   20  
  2 Parker, Riley             19 George Fox                       32.23   17  
  3 Averill, Whitney R        21 Linfield                         32.78   16  
  4 Hornbeck, Anna E          20 WU                               33.04   15  
  5 Muralt, Britney           21 George Fox                       33.28   14  
  6 Madsen, Amy K             19 UPS                              33.57   13  
  7 Mullins, Kalea M          21 Linfield                         33.85   12  
  8 Franco, Lara              20 UPS                              33.91   11  
  9 Bobo-Shisler, Lauren O    20 Linfield                         33.94   10  
 10 Sullivan, Annie           22 UPS                              34.10    9  
 11 Opdahl, Ellie             21 George Fox                       34.27    8  
 12 Kisiday, Alayna R         20 WU                               34.67    7  
 13 Brennan, Kenzie D         19 PACI                             34.88    6  
 14 Moehnke, Alex L           20 PACI                             34.97    5  
 15 Jenner, Sarah E           20 WU                               35.05    4  
 16 Ciatti, Tessa A           18 WU                               35.07    3  
 17 Brennan, Madeleine L      19 UPS                              35.20    2  
 18 Howell, Leah J            18 WU                               35.28    1  
 19 Campbell, Avery R         20 Linfield                         35.54  
 19 Good, Tatum A             20 WU                               35.54  
 21 Benevides, Claire         18 George Fox                       35.98  
 22 Hoover, Ellie             18 George Fox                       36.02  
 23 Mercado, Amelia S         18 UPS                              36.04  
 24 Arpag, Sarah E            19 Linfield                         36.06  
 25 Urback, Jesse             18 George Fox                       36.21  
 26 Blackburn, Chyanna        19 George Fox                       36.51  
 27 Hendren, Cassidy          21 George Fox                       36.78  
 28 Capron-Graves, Jaz J      19 PACI                             37.06  
 29 Hall, Jacqueline T        20 WU                               37.09  
 30 Guillen, Sara             20 UPS                              37.18  
 31 Schauble, Emma R          18 WU                               37.22  
 32 Smith, Mia                19 George Fox                       37.27  
 33 Keppo, Kirsti I           19 Linfield                         37.45  
 34 Seres, Emma               19 PACI                             37.68  
 35 Simon, Allie M            21 PACI                             37.91  
 36 Campbell, Emma C          21 Linfield                         37.92  
 37 Karsseboom, Abbi Q        21 Linfield                         38.01  
 38 Fronek, Kaya P            19 UPS                              38.07  
 39 Haydu, Caley S            18 Linfield                         38.08  
 40 Jacobs, Anne-marie Y      21 PACI                             38.09  
 41 Dicey, Kaylee             19 George Fox                       38.17  
 42 Meyers, Julia G           20 UPS                              38.28  
 43 Harmon, Claire            19 George Fox                       38.31  
 44 Zipay, Holly B            19 UPS                              38.50  
 45 Knox, Laurel              19 George Fox                       38.54  
 46 Russell, Maddie M         21 PACI                             38.55  
 47 Kaldy, Ana J              18 WU                               38.68  
 48 Hamilton, Hannah M        22 UPS                              38.70  
 49 Carlson, Rachel B         22 WU                               38.79  
 50 Wilson, Mikayla M         18 Linfield                         39.31  
 51 Mesita, Nicole M          18 WU                               39.33  
 52 Reich, Ava H              19 WU                               39.43  
 53 Noffsinger, Emma R        19 WU                               39.66  
 54 Castellanos-Welsh, Steph  21 Linfield                         39.69  
 55 Brown, Journey A          18 WU                               39.87  
 56 McLennan, Kass J          18 UPS                              39.97  
 57 Patterson, Taila L        19 Linfield                         40.18  
 58 Kubojiri, Kacelyn         19 PACI                             40.42  
 59 Elsom, Kaylee A           21 Linfield                         40.91  
 60 Quijano, Ella F           18 Linfield                         41.18  
 61 Horvath, Ayli P           18 UPS                              41.51  
 62 Clement, Molly            18 UPS                              41.86  
 63 Bartoo, Hannah            19 George Fox                       41.92  
 64 Gephart, Avery            21 UPS                              42.02  
 64 Poetzl, Kassidy           18 George Fox                       42.02  
 66 Roche, Abby               18 George Fox                       42.56  
 67 Schmitt, Lydia O          18 WU                               42.89  
 68 Hamlin, Jo A              21 PACI                             43.44  
 69 Robbins, Alicia E         21 WU                               43.45  
 70 Jacobs, Ariana            18 George Fox                       44.36  
 71 Louie, Nicole A           18 PACI                             44.53  
 72 Rose, Meara E             18 WU                               46.70  
 73 Carnell, Ella E           19 WU                               47.91  
 74 Nardella, Abbey           20 George Fox                       51.53  
 -- Turner, Lyddie J          21 WU                                  NS  
 -- Zscherpel, Betina K       18 UPS                                 NS  
Event 9  Men 50 Yard Freestyle
    Name                     Age School                           Finals Points 
  1 Burden, Emory             18 UPS                              22.09   20  
  2 Donaldson, Edan J         23 Linfield                         22.14   17  
  3 Cabana, Will E            18 UPS                              22.37   16  
  4 Gibson, Levi              23 George Fox                       22.60   15  
  5 Washburn, Carson D        19 Linfield                         22.80   14  
  6 Schwartz, Ethan           21 UPS                              22.96   12.5
  6 Velie, Rocco R            20 Linfield                         22.96   12.5
  8 Olson, Daniel M           21 Linfield                         23.21   11  
  9 Cunningham, Joshua T      20 UPS                              23.24   10  
 10 Aaselund, Cam C           18 UPS                              23.26    9  
 11 Fery, Connor J            19 Linfield                         23.27    8  
 12 Lindberg, Cole E          20 WU                               23.45    7  
 13 Mielke, Lance P           21 UPS                              23.52    6  
 14 Wencel, Campbell N        19 UPS                              23.58    5  
 15 Alexander, Cameron        19 George Fox                       23.61    4  
 16 Grinstead, Elijah S       21 UPS                              23.67    3  
 17 Copeland, Logan W         21 WU                               23.74    2  
 18 Oprea, Kaden              18 George Fox                       23.75    1  
 19 Francis, Jaden            21 UPS                              23.95  
 20 Lee, Andrew C             19 Linfield                         23.99  
 21 Tontchev, Ivan D          20 Linfield                         24.21  
 22 LaDuca, Will I            19 WU                               24.36  
 23 Davies, Ethan F           19 WU                               24.37  
 24 Maberry, August           18 George Fox                       24.43  
 25 Wheeler, Cameron N        21 Linfield                         24.44  
 26 Greene, Wyatt             18 George Fox                       24.45  
 27 Jelusic, Nik              18 Linfield                         24.47  
 28 Werth, Alexander J        18 UPS                              24.58  
 29 Masuko, Ka'olapa H        19 WU                               24.65  
 30 Nordeng, Strom            19 George Fox                       24.66  
 31 Runion, Cole N            21 Linfield                         24.72  
 32 Kembel, Jonah S           19 UPS                              24.78  
 33 Moore, Nicholas O         19 WU                               24.87  
 34 Moore, Sasha A            21 Linfield                         24.88  
 35 Ng, Elijah K              19 Linfield                         24.97  
 36 Tonseth, Owen             19 George Fox                       25.00  
 37 Delgadillo, Capone C      18 PACI                             25.05  
 37 Tsuji, Taro T             17 UPS                              25.05  
 39 Gray, Jared               18 George Fox                       25.12  
 40 Herde, Nathan E           22 Linfield                         25.20  
 41 Smith, Gavin F            20 Linfield                         25.37  
 42 Buker, Levi T             20 Linfield                         25.41  
 43 Wheat, Cadogan N          19 Linfield                         25.43  
 43 Gallo, Jack D             20 Linfield                         25.43  
 45 Sehorn, Daren             19 George Fox                       25.52  
 46 Meier, Augie J            18 WU                               25.59  
 47 Nilsen, Blake             19 George Fox                       25.98  
 48 Zlotowski, Abraham L      22 Linfield                         26.07  
 48 Kiel, Ash D               18 WU                               26.07  
 50 Moreland, Cody            18 George Fox                       26.27  
 51 Jansen, Tobin             18 George Fox                       26.41  
 52 McLellan, Chris           19 George Fox                       26.66  
 53 Lilio, Kobe               21 George Fox                       26.72  
 54 Gates, Conner             22 PACI                             26.74  
 55 Rohrbach, Austin          19 George Fox                       26.92  
 56 Pearson, Dorsey S         20 WU                               27.10  
 57 Luna, Mason               19 George Fox                       27.29  
 58 Bottai, Warrick           18 PACI                             27.40  
 -- Olmedo, Kevin C           20 WU                                  NS  
Event 10  Women 50 Yard Freestyle
    Name                     Age School                           Finals Points 
  1 Madsen, Amy K             19 UPS                              25.60   20  
  2 Kisiday, Alayna R         20 WU                               25.69   17  
  3 Parker, Riley             19 George Fox                       25.89   16  
  4 Bobo-Shisler, Lauren O    20 Linfield                         25.96   15  
  5 Glass, Elinor C           22 UPS                              26.00   14  
  6 Brennan, Madeleine L      19 UPS                              26.03   13  
  7 Campbell, Avery R         20 Linfield                         26.12   12  
  8 Moehnke, Alex L           20 PACI                             26.13   11  
  9 Howell, Leah J            18 WU                               26.17   10  
 10 Mullins, Kalea M          21 Linfield                         26.22    9  
 11 Averill, Whitney R        21 Linfield                         26.23    8  
 12 Zipay, Holly B            19 UPS                              26.56    7  
 13 Arpag, Sarah E            19 Linfield                         26.58    6  
 14 Haydu, Caley S            18 Linfield                         26.70    4.5
 14 Sullivan, Annie           22 UPS                              26.70    4.5
 16 Opdahl, Ellie             21 George Fox                       26.93    3  
 17 Capron-Graves, Jaz J      19 PACI                             26.99    2  
 18 Ciatti, Tessa A           18 WU                               27.15    1  
 19 Smith, Mia                19 George Fox                       27.23  
 19 Schmitt, Lydia O          18 WU                               27.23  
 19 Franco, Lara              20 UPS                              27.23  
 22 Hall, Jacqueline T        20 WU                               27.26  
 23 Knox, Laurel              19 George Fox                       27.27  
 24 Muralt, Britney           21 George Fox                       27.30  
 25 Good, Tatum A             20 WU                               27.52  
 26 Simon, Allie M            21 PACI                             27.59  
 27 Urback, Jesse             18 George Fox                       27.65  
 28 Guillen, Sara             20 UPS                              27.85  
 29 Noffsinger, Emma R        19 WU                               27.95  
 30 Horvath, Ayli P           18 UPS                              27.96  
 31 Mercado, Amelia S         18 UPS                              28.03  
 32 Keppo, Kirsti I           19 Linfield                         28.05  
 33 Benevides, Claire         18 George Fox                       28.10  
 34 Hoover, Ellie             18 George Fox                       28.11  
 35 Jacobs, Anne-marie Y      21 PACI                             28.12  
 36 Elsom, Kaylee A           21 Linfield                         28.17  
 37 Hornbeck, Anna E          20 WU                               28.18  
 38 Hamilton, Hannah M        22 UPS                              28.29  
 39 Brennan, Kenzie D         19 PACI                             28.34  
 40 Patterson, Taila L        19 Linfield                         28.39  
 41 Campbell, Emma C          21 Linfield                         28.48  
 42 Clement, Molly            18 UPS                              28.57  
 43 Schauble, Emma R          18 WU                               28.67  
 44 Dicey, Kaylee             19 George Fox                       28.71  
 45 Jenner, Sarah E           20 WU                               29.01  
 46 Kaldy, Ana J              18 WU                               29.06  
 47 Leighton, Dahlia          19 PACI                             29.14  
 48 Blackburn, Chyanna        19 George Fox                       29.16  
 49 Hamlin, Jo A              21 PACI                             29.23  
 50 McLennan, Kass J          18 UPS                              29.30  
 51 Quijano, Ella F           18 Linfield                         29.31  
 52 Fronek, Kaya P            19 UPS                              29.50  
 53 Wilson, Mikayla M         18 Linfield                         29.69  
 53 Hendren, Cassidy          21 George Fox                       29.69  
 55 Russell, Maddie M         21 PACI                             29.85  
 56 Castellanos-Welsh, Steph  21 Linfield                         29.88  
 57 Reich, Ava H              19 WU                               29.96  
 58 Carlson, Rachel B         22 WU                               29.97  
 59 Kubojiri, Kacelyn         19 PACI                             30.04  
 60 Brown, Journey A          18 WU                               30.06  
 61 Meyers, Julia G           20 UPS                              30.16  
 62 Seres, Emma               19 PACI                             30.25  
 63 Karsseboom, Abbi Q        21 Linfield                         30.46  
 64 Gephart, Avery            21 UPS                              30.57  
 65 Roche, Abby               18 George Fox                       30.61  
 66 Harmon, Claire            19 George Fox                       30.73  
 67 Rose, Meara E             18 WU                               30.79  
 68 Poetzl, Kassidy           18 George Fox                       30.83  
 69 Mesita, Nicole M          18 WU                               31.20  
 70 Jacobs, Ariana            18 George Fox                       31.45  
 71 Bartoo, Hannah            19 George Fox                       31.52  
 72 Robbins, Alicia E         21 WU                               32.13  
 73 Carnell, Ella E           19 WU                               33.39  
 74 Louie, Nicole A           18 PACI                             33.97  
 75 Nardella, Abbey           20 George Fox                       38.03  
 -- Turner, Lyddie J          21 WU                                  NS  
 -- Zscherpel, Betina K       18 UPS                                 NS  
                    Combined Team Scores - Through Event 10                    
  1. Linfield University                 596   1. University of Puget Sound           596
  3. George Fox University               248   4. Willamette University Swimming      208
  5. Pacific University Oregon            82                                             
                   Women - Team Rankings - Through Event 10                    
  1. Linfield University               286.5   2. University of Puget Sound         242.5
  3. Willamette University Swimming      137   4. George Fox University               117
  5. Pacific University Oregon            82                                             
                    Men - Team Rankings - Through Event 10                     
  1. University of Puget Sound         353.5   2. Linfield University               309.5
  3. George Fox University               131   4. Willamette University Swimming       71