Featured Senior: Nicholas Ballenger

Nicholas Ballenger

What was your most memorable moment throughout your career at Willamette?

I have two. Is that against the rules (haha)? Winning our first ever NWC men's soccer title in 2017, and scoring from half field this past season against Trinity (Texas).

Describe your feelings when you found out the athletic events were canceled for the remainder of the year.

My heart goes out to all of the seniors that play in winter/spring sports who can no longer compete in their area of expertise. I can only imagine the pain that they are experiencing. I just want them to know that I am thinking about them, and understand what they are going through. It is almost impossible to continue to train without any facilities anywhere. Just keep a positive outlook and remember the good memories. Hold on to, and focus on, those instead of our current situation.

How have you been handling life in quarantine? Are you home or on campus? What's it like learning online and not being around your teammates?

I have been lucky to be staying busy. I am still training every day at a local public field near my house, and I still have a bit of schoolwork to do until I graduate, but other than that it can get quite boring. It's hard to sit still for so long. I am at home with my parents currently, but it is pretty difficult to not be around anyone for any of my classes. We are all making the most of it.

What has your experience as a Bearcat taught you?

My experience as a Bearcat has taught me that no person is bigger than the team, that the team only wins when it works as a unit, and that our duties as athletes extend far beyond the playing field.

If you could leave one piece of advice for future Bearcats, what would it be?

I would say that, especially for players who are trying to pursue professional careers in sports, but just in general as well, the family-oriented atmosphere that is formed at Willamette among the different teams is something that isn't found anywhere else. Cherish it. Live it. Live in it, and don't take it for granted. It is potentially the closest you will feel to anyone outside of your immediate family for the rest of your life. Make the most of it.

What are your future plans following graduation?

I am planning on moving to Rome, Italy, to pursue a master's degree in Sports Management and Coaching. However, those plans do seem to be changing, so I am no longer 100% sure what I am doing. I am fortunate enough to have a business that I am currently running that is doing well, so I have something to fall back on (that as well as my education), but I do hope I will still get the opportunity to travel.

From their teammates

What was your most memorable moment of Nicholas?

Abdul Ali: His goal at Trinity when we traveled to Texas ... pretty hard to forget that beauty.

Ryan Sato: When Nick scored from half field versus Trinity and I was the first one to him to celebrate and I jumped in his arms.

How has Nicholas impacted you in your sport or in life?

Abdul Ali: He made me want to work so much harder in everything I did. Nick grinds, and pushes others to do it, too.

Ryan Sato: Nick has given me a lot of advice on keeping my confidence up on the field, and I think psychologically, he's a big reason why I performed so well this past season.

What makes Nicholas special?

Abdul Ali: His outstanding work ethic. It's truly unique.

Ryan Sato: His commitment to improving on and off the field is something that I admire.

Is there anything Nicholas brought to the program that will have a lasting impact?

Ryan Sato: His physical presence and strength on the field will definitely be missed.