Featured Senior: Jamie Smith

Jamie Smith

What was your most memorable moment throughout your career at Willamette?

I have a lot of good memories of being part of the cross country and track programs at Willamette. I always love the end of a hard workout when the team comes together (no matter how everyone is feeling) and there are high fives all around. We had a really awesome group this year.

How have you been handling life in quarantine? Are you home or on campus? What's it like learning online and not having practice?

I am at home. It has been an adjustment having classes online, but my professors have been very available for support, which has been great. We have had a few team hangouts and workouts through video chats which has been a nice way of keeping in touch without being in the same place.

What has your experience as a Bearcat taught you?

I have met some amazing people at Willamette who I have learned a lot from. I have been challenged to continually reexamine myself ... the things that seem familiar, and the things that seem less familiar.

If you could leave one piece of advice for future Bearcats, what would it be?

Enjoy your time at Willamette. Learn from all of the people around you.

What are your future plans following graduation?

I will be working as a post-baccalaureate in a National Institutes of Health lab in Maryland.

From their teammates

What was your most memorable moment of Jamie?

Molly Murphy-Brown: Some of the women's team members were at Kyla Shade and Jamie's house eating soup, and Jamie comes into the kitchen and says "I just climbed out my window because I wanted to see if I could". I loved this moment because it kind of sums up Jamie's quirkiness, which is something I love about her.

Sam Smith: My most memorable moment with Jamie is late-night study sessions on the fourth floor of Eaton.

How has Jamie impacted you in your sport or in life?

Audrey Piacsek: Jamie is one of the best role models I've had at Willamette or in running at all. She's so sweet and positive about everything and everyone, and I instantly felt welcomed by her when I joined the team. She is whole-heartedly dedicated to the things that are important to her, like running, school, and her friends, and it's just a good atmosphere to be in. She helps lead a team that values hard work, laughter, friendship, and respect, and I'm so glad to have had her as a leader and a friend.

Molly Murphy-Brown: Jamie has taught me so much about resilience. She didn't have the easiest time during her college running career with all the injuries she suffered from, but she never gave up. Jamie has taught me to keep going (in school and running) even when it gets really hard.

Sam Smith: Jamie, who is not only my teammate, but also my sister, has impacted my life in pretty much every way possible. I have been following in her footsteps since I can remember. I think most importantly she has taught me what dedication looks like.

What makes Jamie special?

Molly Murphy-Brown: Jamie never has a bad thing to say about anyone. Her kindness and compassion shine bright, and her sense of humor is unique and wonderful. Jamie's presence always comforted me in a way that I can't explain, and I'm really grateful for the time I got with her on the team.

Sam Smith: Jamie is the most selfless and supportive teammate, friend, and sister. She is someone who I can always count on, through every high and low. Although far from being the loudest on the team, her presence is always a reassurance to everyone around her.

Is there anything Jamie brought to the program that will have a lasting impact?

Audrey Piacsek: This year on the cross country team we had some tough times and we've all put in a lot of effort to connect with each other and make sure everyone feels included and respected. It hasn't been perfect, but I couldn't ask for a better senior than Jamie to help foster a team where we all support each other. I know that we underclassmen will be better leaders because we had her as a role model, and I know that I will be keeping her in mind as I become a leader on the team -- ask myself "What Would Jamie Do"?

Molly Murphy-Brown: I hope that Jamie's dedication to the program and kindness to everyone around her will last long after she graduates. I know she will be greatly missed as a fierce runner, dedicated teammate, and loving friend.

Sam Smith: Jamie's dedication and care will make a lasting impact after she is gone. The amount of care that she puts into anything she sets her mind to is something that I will always remember and take to heart long after she graduates.